Sunday, November 16, 2008

My Little Prayer Warrior

I have to blog about my sweet little Carsten. We have known from the beginning that he was a sensitive little boy...dont get me wrong...he is all boy, but theres a side to him that is so affectionate, tender, and sensitive. The momma in me wants him to stay this way forever, especially with me. Scott and I kid with each other all the time that hes never leaving home, never gonna get married (if he does,it will be my goal to be the lucky girl's best friend), and never have a life outside of us. Of course we are kidding, but this is how much we so love and enjoy him. Back to my original intent for this blog. We have talked to him about Jesus since he was little, little. We taught him how to "praise Jesus"...before he could walk, we would say "praise Jesus" and he would start to sway back and adorable. About 8 months ago is when he really caught on to blessing the food before dinner. He now will bow his head as far as it will go, close his eyes so tight, it would take pulling them apart with our hands to get them opened, and clasping his little hands so tightly when its time to the end of the prayer or if daddy is going too long, he will yell out "Amen"!! (some of you saw my recent posts of him praying for the baby in this same manner). It is with such fervor and confidence...I have to admit, some days he teaches me more than I teach him. He says it as if it is done on earth as it is in heaven. Well today at church, a guy came up to him and said give me "high five". Carsten ran over and hit his hand like he always does. The guy acted like it hurt and said "what power you have for a little boy". Carsten then proceeded to go over, put his hand on the guys hand and pray for God to heal his hurt hand. It was absolutely priceless...the guy looked at me like "did that really just happen?"

Writing this now brings tears to my eyes (maybe its because Im preggo). My little boy has such a childlike faith...a faith that God calls us all to possess. I think about Carsten's innocence and purity and I want to freeze moments like this. When he was in my womb, I would pray that God would make him sensitive first and foremost to Him, and secondly to those who hurt. God is answering that prayer even as I watch Carsten grow right before my eyes. God does answer prayer, even small ones that we pray for our children. I am learning as a mother that praying for them is the greatest thing we can do for them. One day when Carsten is older and making some of his own decisions, this will be the one thing that will keep me grounded and sane...trusting God that He is big enough to answer small o' me's prayers for my precious baby.

On a lighter note, I have to include some pics of Carsten...he has never ever wanted to wear hats. I would buy such cute ones for him and the minute I would put them on his head, off they would come. He now loves them. Scott says he finally looked in the mirror and saw how cute he looks. He even wants to wear them to bed...and is very persistent with:)

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